The "Seven Deadly Social Sins" according to M. Ghandi include the sin of "Worship without sacrifice". Some Christians might wonder if this is even a sin. I've worshiped many times without sacrificing, does it matter? When was the last time you saw a animal slaughtered or food burned in church?
In most cultures worship involves sacrifice--indeed even ancient Hebrew culture of the Old Testament. Whenever God would bless his people they would worship by offering sacrifices upon an altar to Him. Abel, Noah, Abraham, and many others expressed their devotion and love to God in this way.
After God rescued Israel from Egypt He instructed Moses to build a portable temple called the tabernacle where His presence would dwell and His people would come to worship Him. The place in this tabernacle where the average Israelite could worship was at the altar of burnt offering. There they could offer animals and grain as sacrifices to be burned on the altar, but a usable portion was given for the priests to eat. In this way the offerings that the Israelites gave were similar to the money we place in the offering plate to sustain the church.
The purpose of these sacrifices was to point towards the sacrifice God made for us, when He gave His Son to die for our sins. He was the perfect sacrifice, and as such we can easily get the idea that sacrifice doesn't play a role in the Christian worship. We tend to worship for what we can get out of the experience, rather then thinking about worship as an activity where we give. Is there still room for sacrifice in the Christian experience
Yes. The apostle Paul wrote: "Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. (Rom. 12:1)” In response to God's total sacrifice for us, how else can we demonstrate love back to Him? This is what it means to worship--to give every part of ourselves over to God's will.
This sermon was actually inspired by a one of my blogs (Seven Deadly Social Sins), not the other way around.
Olá amizade. Meu nome é Ernísio Martines Dias. Sou um sujeito calmo, mas de uma hora para outra posso me tornar agressivo se percebo que não estou conseguindo o que quero. Reconheço que sou mesmo um mau caráter, desonesto e sem escrúpulos, que só penso em ganhar dinheiro à custa dos outros, em ter lucro financeiro em tudo, como sonegar impostos e enganar as pessoas com minha lábia. Eu mesmo acredito na mentira que digo a todo o momento e acabo procurando fazer as coisas por baixo dos panos, pelo modo que me parece ser mais fácil.
ReplyDeleteHá antídoto para um marginal corrupto? Aceito sugestões construtivas no meu e-mail Sabe, me sinto com duas faces. A outra é diferente, pois quando não estou trabalhando, me sinto frágil e até estou com tendência a gostar de homens. Isso é agonizante! Por tudo isso, acabo tendo depressão e insônia, mas ainda estou com esperanças de mudar esta minha vida para melhor e conto com a sua ajuda. Obrigado.
Translation from Babel Fish:
ReplyDeleteOlá friendship. My name is Ernísio Martines Days. I am a calm citizen, but of one hour for another one I can become me aggressive if I perceive that I am not obtaining what I want. I recognize that I am same a bad character, dishonest and without escrúpulos, that I only think about gaining money to the cost of the others, in having financial profit in everything, as to evade taxes taxes and to deceive the people with my persuasive power. I myself I believe the lie that I say the moment all and I finish looking for to make the things under cloths, for the way that me seems to be more easy. It has antidote for a corrupt delinquent? Accepted constructive suggestions in my email Sabe, I feel myself with two faces. To another one it is different, therefore when I am not working, I feel myself fragile and until I am with trend to like men. This is agonizing! For everything this, I finish having depression and sleeplessness, but still I am with hopes to change this better my life for and story with its aid. Debtor.