Tuesday, October 11, 2005

News: CBC Labor Dispute Over

CBC Workers Whistle Back To Work

My public media drought is nearly over. When they went off the air I wrote a "Lament for the CBC" I should write another poem celebrating its return, but, alas, sorrow be my muse. I can, however, make another top five list.

Top Five CBC Radio Personalities I Look Forward To Hearing Again (and their shows):
1. Rick Phillips (Sound Advice) - hilarious music critic without trying to be
2. Barbara Budd (As It Happens) - sarcastic sense of humor
3. Shelagh Rogers (Sounds Like Canada) - most likeable person on the airwaves
4. Jonathan Goldstein (WireTap) - has a reality radio je ne sais quoi
5. Promo Girl (promo spots) - the sexiest voice on the planet

And 6. BRING BACK DON HILL (Wild Rose Forum) - More info here

I took the edge off my public radio jones by listening to NPR online.

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