[For those seeking an up-to-date list of Adventist blogs, Ken McFarland at the
Right End of the Telescope blog claims to have the largest Adventist blogroll "on the net". As near as I can tell he's correct.]
I've been talking with some
online friends about the Adventist blogs I've 'collected' by serrching
the term on Technorati. I have about a hundered mostly forgetable ones. Here's a
complete list of the ones I check semi-regularly to daily.
- 3T3RED - Pastor Marty Thurber - Fargo, ND, USA
- adventrevival - a homeschooling mother - Marshal, AR, USA
- Adventist Pulpet - a homiletics blog - Nashville, TN, USA
- Adventist Thoughts - Adventist News - Cape Town, South Africa
- Aussie Adventures - Singaporian PR assistant - Sydeny, NSW, Australia
- blog by dee - student Religious VP at Southwestern Adventist University - Keene, TX, USA
- Blog the Future - criticism of Adventist church structure - North America
- Christian Management Skills - working toward book about it
- David Escobar - a biochem student - Urbana, IL, USA
- Eternity Checkpoint - a high school student - Toronto, ON, Canada
- Faith and Shadow - a graphic designer - Sacramento, CA, USA
- FEG 2003 - 2006 - an animation student - Toronto, ON, Canada
- A Historic Adventist In The 21st Century - traditional Adventist views
- I Know He Is Able - devotionals - USA
- Impressions of Life - a spiritual journey - Freeport, TX, USA
- Jake's Corner - a Finnish theology student - Thailand
- Jim Blog - a high school religion teacher
- Joie de Vivre - a media producer - Singapore
- Jonothan Wold - an internet entrepreneur
- Just Josue - a Spanish pastor - Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Just nod if you can hear me... - a college student - Orlando, FL, USA
- kb-adventist - a com/media guy - Aarhus, Denmark
- Kevan Against the Machine - a college student - Tacoma, WA, USA
- LaChanda's Sisterlock Express - hair in locks - Dallas, TX, USA
- Lady Be Good - an opera student - Warsaw, Poland
- My Credo - Dave Escobar's religion blog - Urbana, IL, USA
- My Life Beyond A Brain Tumor - Briget-Jonesesque blog - California, USA
- Non-denial Denial - a Danish law student - Southhampton, UK
- norman's blog - a medical resident - Loma Linda, CA, USA
- Paul Whitting - a theology blog - Christchurch, New Zeland
- Pearl - a student - UK
- Pr Dave Online - Pastor David Edgren - Claremont, Tasmania, Australia
- prez update - Conference President Ken Denslow - Willowbrook, IL, USA
- Resonance - a lawyer on politics - Knoxville, TN, USA
- Reciprocity - vegetarian recipies - Ithica, NY, USA
- Roger's Blogs of The Adventure - Pastor Roger Walter - Colorado, USA
- Scatter Joy - a graphic arts coordinator - Kentucky, USA
- Sabbath School for a New Generation - liberal Adventist views
- Sabbath School Insights - a sabbath school commentary - Chicago, IL, USA
- Sherman Cox - an Adventist divinity student - Nashville, TN, USA
- Simply...Shimona - a college student - Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand
- Southern's Belle - a single nurse - Chattanooga, TN, USA
- The Adult Sabbath School Class - Pastor Greg's sabbath school commentary - Lincon City, OR, USA
- The Daily Cowbell - an American assistant dean - Nairobi, Kenya
- The Information Bank - a pharmacy student - Chattanooga, TN, USA
- The Ministry of Living - a theology student - Lacombe, AB, Canada
- The Oregon Adventist Pastor - Pastor Greg Brothers - Lincon City, OR, USA
- this aboundant life - a grad student - Grand Forks, ND, USA
- Twins - A Matched Set - a mother of twins
- Thought Screams - stream of consciousness - Tacoma Park, MD, USA
- Words Are All I... - thought snippits - Lacombe, AB, Canada
- Zarkoff - a high school student - British Columbia, Canada
Wow! That took a long time. We should really start an Adventist blogroll. Hope it helps some Sevies connect on the web.
Please let me know if any of the links are faulty.
UPDATE (4-7-06): Published some updates to this list.